Does ET Technology Dominate Humans?
Are Contactees Naive Idealists about Unethical ETs?
In Part 2 of our Exoconscious Inform discussion of Richard Dolan's interview on Vision Unveiled YouTube, we examined his perspectives that 1) technologically advanced ETs control and dominate humans and 2) experiencers are “naive idealists” because they regard ETs as ethical.
The Exoconscious community of Linda Martuch, Kevin Briggs, Karin McLeod, Cindy Robinson, Nancy du Tertre, and David Graham contributed to the discussion.
Is ET Tech Domination or Education?
Linda Martuch shared that all ET tech is advanced, but ETs communicate information about their abilities transparently to further our knowledge and training.
Karin McLeod viewed an advanced craft that used portal technology. Was it plasma, light tech, or holographic?
Kevin Briggs qualified that ETs have spiritually advanced conscious technology. Humans can move dimensionally as “pure conscious energy orbs,” similar to ETs, but a requirement is that they must let go of fear and be open to contact.
Cindy Robinson explained that ETs share technology and gifts—educating humans telepathically.
David Graham cited two advanced ET technologies: a sound bar that settles human energy for healing and a frequency scanner that detects and removes foreign energy in humans.
Nancy du Tertre explained that ET technology depended on their planet’s environment, which may differ from Earth. Pointing to a similarity, Nancy perceived that human AI is now advanced to the extent that it may appear to have ET origins. (Given this similarity, could ET tech be a cover story for secret human tech that has yet to be disclosed?)
Are Experiencers Naive and ETs Unethical?
Several Exoconscious Inform group members shared their negative contact but clarified that most of their experiences were positive and beneficial. These positive experiences were educational, assisting humans in advancing to the next level of spiritual and consciousness evolution.
Has Dolan’s view on experiencers changed? Cindy Robinson shared a unique experience with Dolan at the 2015 UFO Congress during the ISIS conflict, where he cautioned her about the danger of sharing her information, especially with the government. And yet, now Dolan claims experiencers, like Cindy, are naive.
Four Further Reflections
Our Exoconscious Inform discussion raises Four Further Reflections regarding Dolan’s language and intention. Are they:
1) Indicating a calculated coverup of secret human technology using ETs as a deflection
2) Further highlighting the intention and liabilities of the ongoing government threat narrative
3) Exhibiting how labeling ET experiencers as naive may be used to discredit and silence them
4) Demonstrating how labeling experiencers leads to a deliberate interruption of the advancement of natural human psychic abilities.
Exoconscious Humans: Curious, Open, Non-Competitive =
All working with the Energy of Exoconsciousness.
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Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, Ph.D., is a Phoenix-based futurist, author, coach, and host of Exoconscious Humans YouTube. She founded the Institute for Exoconsciousness (I-EXO), the first post-disclosure organization to support co-creation between natural human and off-planet, interdimensional intelligences.
Rebecca developed the word Exoconsciousness, now in mainstream use, to describe the innate human abilities to connect, communicate, and co-create with ET, multidimensional, and spiritual beings that link us directly to the cosmos.
Rebecca is a lifelong contactee facilitating online individual and group Exoconscious Coaching™. She was a member of Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell's Quantrek international science team, researching consciousness, the ET presence, and zero-point energy.
Her newest book, Exoconscious Humans: Will Free Will Survive in an Increasingly Non-Human World?, examines the future through the intersection of AI and psychic intelligence.
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