Your Assignment: Create a Spiritual Energy Tool with Consciousness!
Nick Prestera Co-Creates the Beacon
Imagine being tasked with creating a spiritual energy tool with consciousness!
Nick Prestera, a member of our Exoconscious Coaching Xperts Team, describes his creation of the Beacon—its history, workings, support, and how it changed him.
If you are attracted to the creation of new forms of energy, consciousness technology, and how humans work with extraterrestrials and spiritual beings, this interview is for you!
What is the Beacon?
According to Nick, the Beacon is a spiritual tool for raising consciousness and cultivating Exoconsciousness. It was designed to possess programming and intelligence to look for the easiest way to raise consciousness and Exoconscious abilities to connect, communicate, and co-create with ETs, multidimensionals, and spiritual beings.
As humans across the Earth pass through the Beacon, their vibration shifts higher, forming a network that affects a more significant segment of humans.
The Beacon is placed in a static position within the consciousness field of spiritual energy, immersed in the Earth and reaching beyond an area around Earth.
Like a lighthouse beam, the Earth rotates regularly through the Beacon. The Beacon remains static as the Earth rotates through its field. It was designed to beam light and spiritual energy into the Earth at regular-timed intervals. These intervals create gradual, incremental changes in consciousness.
Why cultivate Exoconscious Humans?
Exoconscious Humans are open-minded, curious, and able to see all sides of a problem (including the risks). They optimally use their five senses plus psychic senses, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, remote viewing, mediumship, and energy healing.
They have an innate need to contribute to a larger group or network to move energy to advanced Exoconsciousness.
Importance of an Exoconscious Community
Nick credits the weekly Exoconscious Coaching community for supporting him as his Beacon co-creation unfolded. When he entered the coaching group, he was still questioning his experiences. However, as trust developed with members, Nick began to share more openly, which generated even more experiences.
History of How Beacon Evolved
Nick explained that the Beacon developed through a series of information downloads. He shared that Dr. Edgar Mitchell, an Apollo 14 Astronaut, made a dramatic telepathic entrance and requested Nick’s assistance with a project. Nick also received help from the Council of 8 beings channeled by Kevin Briggs.
Nick elaborated on his personal growth as he met the challenges of co-creating with ETs who needed a more complete understanding of humans to competently guide them. Nick described the Beacon as a collaboration, where ETs, guides, and humans contributed to the co-creation, each providing a component of assembly.
How Do We Know the Beacon Works?
While sharing the details of the Beacon, Nick mentioned that a day before the Beacon’s Launch as group of Remote Viewers reported that an energy event would be occurring. Apparently the Remote Viewers saw into the future establishment of the Beacon.
Our Exoconscious Community continues to share in the Beacon as thread-keepers and intention-holders and will report on how Exoconsciousness is being cultivated.
If you are attracted to the creation of new forms of energy, consciousness technology, and how humans work with extraterrestrials and spiritual beings, this interview is for you!
Find your Exoconscious Community by Subscribing to our Paid Substack for $8 monthly. We meet on Zoom on the third Saturday of each month for sharing and discussion.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, Ph.D., is a Phoenix-based futurist, author, coach, and host of Exoconscious Humans YouTube. She founded the Institute for Exoconsciousness (I-EXO), the first post-disclosure organization to support co-creation between natural human and off-planet, interdimensional intelligences.
Rebecca developed the word Exoconsciousness, now in mainstream use, to describe the innate human abilities to connect, communicate, and co-create with ET, multidimensional, and spiritual beings that link us directly to the cosmos.
Rebecca is a lifelong contactee facilitating online individual and group Exoconscious Coaching™. She was a member of Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell's Quantrek international science team, researching consciousness, the ET presence, and zero-point energy.
Her newest book, Exoconscious Humans: Will Free Will Survive in an Increasingly Non-Human World?, examines the future through the intersection of AI and psychic intelligence.
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